Unlock your multiple personality superpower
You’ve a single personality problem.
❌You can’t shake off your biases.
❌You can’t see your blind spots.
❌You can’t take perspectives.
In short, you’re trapped inside your head. This is true 24/7/365.
There’s a way out. It needs you to turn on a superpower. It’s called the ‘multiple personality superpower’ (MPS).
Good news: We all have it.
Bad news: Few of us know.
Hack: It involves a bit of copying.
Great news: It helps us make better decisions.
Unlocking MPS allows you to:
✔Assume different personalities
✔Look through their lenses
✔Light up your blind spots
You can’t beat your biases. But by taking different perspectives you can see things that you would otherwise not.
An engineer will think of cause and effect;
a marketer, incentives and behavior;
a designer, customer experience;
a CFO, unit economics.
MPS helps you look at the problem through all their eyes. It shows you a multi-dimensional view. Now the odds of you making a better choice are higher.
You don’t have enough time in one lifetime to learn everything from scratch. The best have already done the work. Leverage their thinking. That’s your superpower.
So how do you turn on your MPS?
1️⃣ Learn the basics of other disciplines.
2️⃣ Find experts in them. Talk to them (colleagues, mentors) or study them (business leaders). Read their interviews. Devour (auto)biographies. Understand how they think.
3️⃣ Now look at the problem through their lens.
4️⃣ Ask: What would my mentor do? What would Elon do? What would Jeff do?
Until now you’ve now approached every problem with a hammer. Use a swiss knife instead. Think like the best. Turn on your multiple personality superpower.