Explore or exploit?
A reason for midlife crisis that’s common but rarely acknowledged is that early on in our careers we get busy exploiting without bothering to explore. We go with the first big opportunity. We secure our position, settle down. For a while it works like a charm. Life’s working out just fine. We have a job, a house, annual vacations to the Maldives.
Then inevitably we get a jolt. The world changes, the market turns, the job is excess to needs.
And that’s when we realize, I wish I had explored earlier. Wish I had tried out things, looked around, invested in a broad skill set.
If you’re in your twenties, don’t leap too soon. Take some time to look. To figure out who you are and what the world is like.
Computer science sets a precise limit for looking: 37%. Look for the first 37% of the time/options available to you. Then make a decision and double down. But no reason to complicate with percentages what is a simple idea.
When you’re young you’ve more room for mistakes in your life. Make them and learn. Don’t be in a rush to cash in. Explore in your youth, exploit in middle age.
The other way round is way harder.